Themes: Searches

This sets the default styles for search screens reached from the form.

BackColor – the primary background color in a control.

BackColorAlt – the secondary background color in a control.

BackStyle – sets background colors as blended/solid if BackColor and BackColorAlt are used.

FontSize, FontStyle, and ForeColor are applied the same as in other examples.

Heading – sets the theme for Searches.

Align - Aligns the form header according to the selected setting (i.e. Top, Left; Top, Center etc.)

BackColor, BackColorAlt, BackStyle, Bevel, BorderColor, BorderStyle, FontSize, FontStyle and ForeColor are applied the same as in other examples.

Height – sets the heading’s height in pixels.

LineColor – the color of the lines within the grid if they are shown.

ListStyle – will hide or show the lines between rows and columns. None hides all the lines; Horizontal displays the lines between rows; Vertical displays the lines between columns; and Both displays lines between rows and columns.

RowSelector – sets the coloring and styling of a selected row.

BackColor, BackColorAlt, BackStyle, Bevel, ForeColor and Transparency are applied the same as in other examples.

RowStyle – sets the style for rows that alternate their colors.

AltBackColor – sets the primary background color of a row when UseAltColors is True.

AltForeColor – sets the primary foreground color of a row when UseAltColors is True.

Padding – sets the row height in pixels.

UseAltColors – Enables rows to use alternating colors (True); disables it (False).

ScrollBars – sets the orientation of the scrollbars. Values are: Automatic None, Horizontal, Vertical, and Both.